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The law and attitudes regarding marriage
Marriages in a Church
Other wedding traditions vary according to the religion, race, ethnic group and even class the couple may belong too. Performed by a Christian priest or vicar, the Church ceremony continues to be top of the list as a venue. Primarily in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States and the British Commonwealth, these ceremonies are known as white weddings.
Multiple Weddings
Double marriages are quite rare as they usually entail getting two couples to marry at the same time and same place; typically, a person with a brother or sister might plan this type of occasion with that sibling.
Getting Married in a Foreign Country
You will probably already know of a couple that decided on a destination wedding and asked the guests to travel to where they were staying; it doesn't matter exactly where you travel to, whether it is in Egypt or just to Las Vegas it will still be considered a destination wedding.
Activity Weddings
Two day or weekend weddings are a great way to extend the ceremony and festivities as an increasing number of people are finding out. Other occasions come under the term of either themed or special activity which usually takes place over a weekend period. Accommodation for these is normally arranged at the place where the service is going to take place and where the other events are also being held.
Getting Married Online
Although it has not really caught on yet, a few bold and different people have decided to tie the knot online but it may be sometime before this style of wedding really becomes more popular; There are already a number of companies based online can help you find out more information about his unusual type of ceremony. This can prove a useful tool where relatives and friends from around the world can see an online wedding take place in real time without actually being there!
Civil Services Local civil authority services are called civil weddings as they do not take place in a church and must be performed by a locally elected or appointed official. Civil ceremonies may use references to God, but they do not generally make references to particular religions or denominations. Often, this type of service will take place in a judge's chambers, town or city hall or any other specially designated place.
The information provided here is mainly about weddings and marriage in the Western world primarily based on and around Christian beliefs.
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