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Bigamy and Divorce
You may suddenly feel that everything you thought you knew about your spouse and your marriage has been turned on end.
Fortunately many states, including Texas, have laws to protect individuals from being coerced into bigamous marriages and special provisions to help a spouse end a marriage with a bigamist.
What to Do When You Find Out If you discover that your spouse is involved in another marriage besides your own, consider contacting a divorce lawyer immediately.
Do not discuss divorce or the terms of a divorce with your spouse in case he or she seeks legal representation against you.
Also, do not allow your spouse to intimidate you into leaving the house after you find out that he or she has been unfaithful.
A lawyer can advise you on the best course of action to take and can help you prepare for a divorce or annulment.
Divorce or Annulment? Depending on the state you live in and whether you married your spouse before he or she married any other individuals, you may qualify for either a divorce or an annulment.
Under Texas law, if your marriage with your spouse was his or her first marriage, then your marriage is valid under the law and you must seek divorce if you wish to end your marriage.
If you married your spouse after he or she was already married to someone else, then your marriage is not recognized as valid by the state and you can file for an annulment.
An annulment declares the marriage void as if it never existed in the first place.
However, if your marriage was the second marriage and your spouse divorced from the first marriage before you discovered the bigamy, then your marriage is automatically considered the valid marriage and you must seek a divorce.
Consequences of Bigamy Like most states, bigamy is illegal in Texas and is classified as a Class A misdemeanor.
If you have discovered that your spouse has coerced you into a marriage involving bigamy, you can report the crime to the police and your spouse may be charged with a misdemeanor.
Because your spouse is the bigamist and you are the wronged party, you may have an upper hand in the divorce when property division, child custody, and child support are considered by the court.
For More Information To learn more about bigamy and divorce, please visit the website of experienced Austin Texas divorce attorneysSlater Kennon & Jameson, LLP today.
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