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Getting to Know Your Thyroid
Few people are not aware of the fact that this small little organ does a big job in the body.
This is as important as the heart or lungs are to a person's health.
The thyroid is the control center for the body and as a result is where all the important functions of the body are controlled from.
Many people are not aware of just how important of a job the thyroid does when dealing with the person's overall health.
The reason that the thyroid is such an important thing in the person's life is that it regulates and controls a lot of the body's functions, things like body temperature as well as the functionality of organs.
If the person's thyroid causes them a problem before they reach puberty, then this will have an adverse reaction on their puberty.
Problems later in life can affect the function of certain organs; this is why the thyroid is such an important organ in our body, and why a malfunction with it can lead to serious health issues.
Going to the doctor on a regular basis is an excellent, easy way to ensure that your thyroid functions properly, and as a result does not lead to serious health issues further down the road.
There is one way that you can ensure that your thyroid is in proper working order.
This is simply by making sure that you eat foods that are healthy for you and stay away from raw foods that if eaten in large quantities can lead to serious problems with your thyroid.
These foods have been proven to have a chemical that is problematic to the person's thyroid.
There is a lot of concern in making sure that the person's thyroid is in proper working order.
If there is a problem that develops, then the person can go to their doctor and they can discuss the treatment options that are available to them.
A person could do a test at home that will help them to determine if there is an issue or not.
Performing these tests requires a mercury or digital thermometer.
Mercury thermometers are the better choice, as digital thermometers tend to have a level of inaccuracy.
Shake the thermometer for the mercury to go down and then place it near the bed for morning use.
Place the thermometer tip in the armpit center and hold it tightly for ten minutes.
Begin taking the temperature three hours after waking up and twice after intervals of three hours.
Ensure temperature levels are checked for an entire week.
Take a total of three readings of your temperature on a daily basis and then record the week average.
Temperatures on a normal level are low in mornings and higher in late afternoons.
Temperature outside these norms may indicate a problem and you should discuss this with your doctor at the next available opportunity.
Having an issue with the person's thyroid is not the end of the world; there are several treatment options that are available for a person to explore.
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