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How to Apologize to a Man

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    • 1). Plan your approach. Mapping out what you are going to say beforehand will make it easier when the time comes.

    • 2). Talk straight. Men usually like direct, plain language. This is not the time to use a lot of metaphors, similes or excessive verbiage. Make your apology straight, to the point and concise.

    • 3). Own up to the mistake. Most men will respect this approach, since they prefer to face conflict head-on and are predisposed to airing out dirty laundry quickly. (Don't mistake this willingness to resolve issues quickly with a willingness to actually communicate, however.)

    • 4). Don't point out the man's faults or failings during your apology, or suggest that he is actually in the wrong. The great majority of men are ego-driven during situations of conflict, so pointing out his wrongdoing will not help if you are truly trying to resolve the issue. Otherwise you risk making him defensive and reopening the argument (or his newly healing wounds).

    • 5). Submerge the urge to overreact or make a big deal out of the situation when approaching the man. Overreacting will make him feel uncomfortable. Men are more likely to brush the situation off as a rogue occurrence if it is treated as if it weren't a big mistake. Blowing the situation out of proportion may cause your guy to feel as if the hurt was deeper than he suspected, serving only to culture deeper resentment.

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