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What"s With All This Pinning?

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Have you recently heard the term, pinning? Well, if you are wondering what in the world pinning is all about, you have come to the right place.
Pinterest is the new way to share all your ideas using various boards that you create.
Pinterest is a great place to go to collect images that inspire you.
It's a way to connect with people who share the same interests as you.
Most of the images on Pinterest are eye catching, savvy and trendsetting.
While surfing users on Pinterest, you can find that major multi-billion dollar companies are using this website as well.
Such websites are Whole Foods Market and Nordstrom.
What does the term pin mean? To pin something means, you are sharing someones image that you are fond of.
For every image you pin, you can add a description and add hashtags or reply to the user who pinned it or recommend the pin to another user.
You can share these pins on Twitter, Facebook and by email.
Pinterest is a wonderful tool for businesses because, users purchase items they find that are being pinned.
Some of these items may be shoes, clothing, prints, toys..
you name it, I am sure it has been pinned.
In my opinion, I think this is an amazing tool for any business to you.
It has a way of linking people back to your products.
Pinterest already has an iPhone app, that I must admit, I am quite addicted to.
Sitting and waiting for my kids in the school pick-up/drop-off lines allows me to pin.
Pinning is an escape for me.
I like to do it a few times a day to really get some inspiration.
Whether it is just needed that day or if I am looking for new ways to decorate my home, kids room or new ideas for my boutique I have met some wonderful people via Pinterest.
The amount of people who share the same interests with you, is overwhelming.
I never thought so many people shared the loved for shabby chic decor with me.
Time Magazine has even named Pinterest one of the 50 Best Websites.
Since Pinterest is still in testing mode, you have to request an invite before you can be accepted as a member.
But, that task should be easy.
Head over to their website, request an invite an you should be all good.
So, do you think Pinterest can change your life?
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