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Vantage Point
By altering the camera height and angle occasionally, you can create more interesting photographs.
While taking photos of your beloved dog or cat, get down on the floor with the animal rather than standing over him or her.
When photographing people in a seated position, avoid standing over them and pointing the camera down toward them because it creates tension when they look up into the camera.
Similarly, avoid photographing people from below unless you're deliberately trying to make them look larger.
The best way to photograph a person is to get down to the same level as the person so that they can look directly into the camera.
This is especially true when photographing children.
Try out new angles when shooting horizons, buildings, or things in general.
A skewed horizon or a misaligned vertical can add excitement to a photo and cause the viewer's eye to focus in on an element that may otherwise be overlooked.
We've already mentioned kneeling or lying down while taking shots, but finding something to stand on or finding a much higher viewpoint from which to shoot might make a better photo.
Try shooting the photo from different points of view.
Experiment around.
Be creative.
Some of the best shots are taken from the ground up or when lying prone on the floor.
Changing your vantage point or point of view can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of your photo.
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