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Characteristics, Outcomes of T2D Treated With Canagliflozin
In this real-world study of canagliflozin use during the period immediately following FDA approval, canagliflozin was prescribed to patients with a range of baseline A1C values whose glycemic levels were often uncontrolled (87 % with A1C ≥7.0 %) despite being managed with multiple AHAs, including insulin therapy. Significant improvements in A1C were observed in the 6 months (average time to follow-up from index date: 112 days) following the first canagliflozin prescription, with results consistent with those observed in the canagliflozin randomized clinical trials. The results of this study show that, following initiation of treatment with canagliflozin as monotherapy, or as add-on therapy to multiple AHAs (including oral and injectable agents), a substantial proportion of patients in a real-world setting were able to attain their A1C goals, with a trend to lower other AHA use, indicating canagliflozin could potentially lead to cost offsets in the treatment of T2DM.
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