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Find Out If Artificial Disc Replacement is Right For You
People who have bad knees or hips are able to benefit from modern advances in science that give them artificial replacements.
Up until recently this was not an option for spinal discs.
Today, artificial disc replacement is available and is being implemented with very successful results.
This is so exciting because it eliminates the need for spinal fusion surgery.
The goal is to help the patient reduce their pain level and be able to increase their mobility and activities.
Spinal discs could be described as cushions as they act to absorb the shock of the vertebrae from all the impact involved in just simple daily activities.
They help the spinal column with its flexibility and range of motion.
The inner part of a spinal disc is a jelly like consistency surrounded by the outer material that is strong and fibrous.
As we age these discs wear out resulting in mild to severe lower back pain.
An artificial disc replacement actually replaces the worn out disc with one that will not wear out or be affected by the other discs.
The end result is what everyone wants, no more pain.
In your consideration of artificial disc replacement you need to verify that you have spent at least six months utilizing treatments such as medication, back braces and physical therapy without successful results.
Only after exhausting these options should you consider surgery.
If you choose surgery you'll be placed on your back and an incision will be made near your belly button.
Your damaged disc will be removed and the new replacement inserted.
Your doctor will determine the amount of time you'll need to stay in the hospital and will keep you comfortable with medications for pain and nausea.
After your recovery time you will be virtually free from the pain that plagued you.
You'll be able to participate in activities that you couldn't before your surgery.
With your artificial disc replacement you will have no fear that the discs next to the one replaced will have any accelerated degeneration.
That is one of the great benefits of this type of treatment over spinal fusion.
You'll feel like a new person!
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