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Cork Flooring - a Cheap Yet Highly Decorative Item
It is a substance which is obtained from the outer surface of a cork tree.
Flooring with cork
Corks are generally used as bottle caps for wine bottles. They are also used at the base of a badminton shuttle. In numerous offices and colleges you might come across boards made of cork, where any piece of paper could easily be attached with the help of a pin. Besides, corks are also used in flooring. Cork Flooring is not a new concept and has been in use in USA since the early 1800s. One of the basic advantages of cork flooring is the fact that it absorbs any sort of noise. That could be interpreted as a disadvantage as well. Since cork is soft any fragile material like glass falling on the cork floor is most likely to remain intact. Cork floors are available in numerous colors, the commonly used colors being the dark ones, like red, blue and green. There are various different shades available among these colors. Cork floors certainly add that extra bit to the overall decoration of your house. These items are not very expensive and could be afforded by people from almost every section of the society. They are cheap, yet stylish.
Floor tiles made of cork
Cork floor tiles are very common in the households of America. This item is found in a variety of color, and texture. Installing these items on the floor is quite easy. These tiles are available in the form of mattresses, which are quite big in size. All you need to do is to cut them according to the size you prefer and then attach them to the floor, next to each other with the help of strong glue. You may also use nails, if you have a wooden floor. You would find cork tiles in the places where heavy, breakable items are dealt with, like a warehouse. These soft coverings offer protection to your valuable items. If they fall on the floor, the chances of them remaining intact are quite high.
If you are looking to reduce noise on the floor, then you can use a cork underlayment. These objects are placed underneath the carpet or any other type of floor covering. When someone walks on it, the noise of the footsteps is absorbed by the cork underneath. These items should not be used in the rooms where you have your infant child sleeping. If he or she falls down from the bed, there will be no sound to alert you.
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