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Muscle Building Advice
I recommend an inexpensive multi-vitamin from your local drugstore.
Do NOT go into places like GNC to get a multi-vitamin because it will not be cheap or tested for safety.
If you want a safe, effective multi-vitamin, walk into your local drugstore and get one there.
A multi-vitamin is good for filling any gaps in your diet and overall health.
Green Tea.
I do not recommend the green tea extract pills, I only recommend drinking the good stuff.
Green tea is high in antioxidants and is good for overall health.
If you don't like green tea, don't worry about it.
Green tea will NOT make or break your results.
Fish Oil.
Fish oil is more of a "maybe" on my list.
If your diet has a sufficient amount of fatty acids, then you won't need a fish oil supplement.
That's it! I don't recommend anything else because everything else is just a waste of money and totally not needed.
People may argue that protein powder should be on the list however, protein powder is a food not a supplement.
Anything that has calories is considered food, supplements do not.
I recommend you buy your supplements at bodybuilding.
com since they will be the cheapest there, however don't get caught in the trap.
When you visit bodybuilding.
com, you will be overwhelmed on the amount of supplements available.
Trust me, 90 percent of them do absolutely nothing!!! SUPPLEMENT FAQ What about Creatine? Creatine is a supplement that has very mixed opinions.
In my opinion, Creatine is a waste of money.
Trust me, I have tried almost every supplement out there.
Creatine is a waste of money.
It's more beneficial to use the money for healthy food.
May work for others, but I'm skeptical.
What about pre-workouts? Pre-workouts are the biggest scam ever.
I have tried twenty-three different pre-workouts and they all do the same thing...
nothing! If you think they're doing something, then you are falling for the pre-workout trap.
It's not the pre-workout, it's your mind.
Companies that make pre-workouts want you to believe that they work, so they add caffeine to give you a jolt.
Then they have you hooked into thinking that you can't workout without a pre-workout.
customer for life.
CLA? I took CLA for about 4 months and nothing happened.
I can tell you that any results you get while taking CLA will be from your diet and exercise routine, not from CLA.
CLA is a waste of money and who knows what it could be doing inside your body.
What about Fish Oil? Fish Oil is actually a decent supplement however, your diet should contain essential fatty acids, which means you don't need to waste your money on Fish Oil.
If you feel that you don't have enough fatty acids in your diet, then you actually might want to supplement with a fish oil supplement.
Glutamine? Again, I really don't believe supplements like these are necessary.
You shouldn't need a supplement to help you recover faster because the diet should do all the work.
Diet is so important in bodybuilding no matter how many supplements you take, the diet will be the key factor in your success.
From my experience, Glutamine does help a bit with recovery, but a lot of protein powder out their already has Glutamine in it, so therefore you don't have to spend any extra money on Glutamine.
Weight Gainers? The problem with weight gainers is that they are mostly empty calories.
It is true that some weight gainers have a lot of vitamins and minerals, but it would be a thousand times better to eat actual food.
The other thing is you have to drink this weight gainer, which means your body will not absorb all of the nutrients.
You're body can only absorb nutrients so fast.
It's almost like someone drinking three scoops of whey at one time, and another person drinking the whey slowly throughout the day.
The one who is drinking the whey slowly throughout the day will absorb the most amount of nutrients.
The one who drank the whey all at once will most likely crap it out.
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