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Membership Scripts - Sites That Really Make Money
Simple scripts provide file-based protection using the web server's built-in security. These are the types of sites where you get a pop-up type of log in box. These solutions are very secure, but are not as user-friendly or attractive as some other methods.
Some membership scripts use PHP file protection - they integrate their security with the web page code. These types of scripts are great for blogs and other sites that use PHP on the server. (PHP is a programming language used to create rich web pages). The problem with these types of scripts is that non-PHP files like videos and software are harder to protect from prying eyes.
The most advanced solutions combine the two methods above to create a very secure, user-friendly solution. The only problem with these types of scripts is the cost - they can be quite expensive.
A blog that uses a PHP plugin for membership functions is the easiest and most efficient solution for most marketers. These systems are easy to install, provide secure protection and integrate well with WordPress, the most popular blogging program.
Another advantage of using a blog solution is the technique of providing the content in a 'drip' fashion, where users get a little content the first month, and more the next months, etc. This encourages uses to keep their subscriptions longer.