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Planters Warts Treatment - No Reason to Be Afraid

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A planters warts treatment may not be on your mind right now, especially if you think warts are just another one of those skin diseases you catch in less than sanitary environments -- places you try hard to avoid.
But if I tell you that these warts on your feet are benign tumors, will you still ignore the idea of treatment? You probably would not.
But don't worry.
Even though technically warts are considered tumors, they are almost always benign -- or non-cancerous.
They won't do you any harm, other than the physical pain and discomfort you feel in your feet (and perhaps some embarrassment).
But this does not mean that you can and should just leave them alone.
You sure would not want to have the underlying Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) spreading in your body and having warts on your face or hands, etc.
Throughout the years, professionals have discovered many a planters warts treatment.
Generally, you can choose between pharmaceutical treatments and surgical treatments.
Additionally, some all natural treatments are extremely fast and effective.
Pharmaceutical treatments come in three forms.
One is treatment using keratolytic chemicals.
The treatment with keratolysis is often done with the use of salicylic or trichloroacetic acid to slowly peel away the dead skin surface of the warts.
Another treatment option is immunotherapy.
This involves the injection of antigens into the warts to trigger an immune response to the virus.
Yet another treatment option is chemotherapy which involves the application of virucidal chemicals like glutaraldehyde, or the use of retinoids like tropical tretinoin.
Surgical treatments also come in three forms.
One is the application of liquid nitrogen to the warts, which is also known as cryosurgery or cryotherapy.
The wart is frozen in nitrogen solution until it can be removed.
The second is electrodessication.
But this procedure produces scars so it is not recommended by specialists.
Laser treatment is a third option.
And it is considered the best surgical planters warts treatment.
Aside from being painless, it leaves no scar.
It is, however, very expensive.
Interesting as it is, there is also the watching-and-waiting treatment.
From its name alone you could probably guess what this treatment is all about.
Yes, all you will do here is to wait until the warts disappear.
This may take one or two years at most since the human papilloma virus can only last inside the body for two years.
Barring re-infection or spreading, your warts will gradually just disappear! Though plantars warts do not pose threats to the life of an individual, it should still be treated both for convenience and for comfort.
Choose your most appropriate planters warts treatment without worry or fear -- you'll do fine !
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