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Singing -- The New Happy Pill

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Endorphins make you feel good and relieve stress. They are why exercise has such a positive impact on mood, and sometimes why singing does too. But, how does taking a deep breath and speaking in a melodic way give someone joy? Here are links to some studies with summaries of each that physically and emotionally explain the connection between happiness and singing.

Singing Releases Endorphins: Researchers measured the level of pain tolerance before and after the act of singing, dancing, and drumming.

Then they measured these results against participants who listened to music. They found that pain tolerance increases only with active musical participation, which indicates endorphins are being released. It is not enough to listen to singing, you have to do it yourself in order to feel happy.

Singing and the Elderly: When surveying 44 elderly subjects before and after singing, results indicated that singing can effectively improve the mental health of the elderly. Why? Singing made participants feel refreshed, more pleasure, relaxed, relieved, and generally happier! The best part was that the results were the same whether participants indicated they liked or disliked singing.

Singing and Preterm Babies: In a research study where 18 moms spoke and sang to their incubated preterm babies for one hour over a period of six or more days, a number of positive connections were made. There were physical benefits, such as improved oxygen saturation levels and reduction of critical events. More importantly, researchers noted how babies were more often in a calm alert state.

That happens when babies feel safe and happy.

Choral Singing and Happiness: After surveying 1,100 choral singers, Australian researcher Professor Don Stewart found choir members scored above average on their perceived quality of life and satisfaction with their current state of health. The finding was significant because the same participants scored lower in psychological health and higher in long term health problems than the average Australian. The research suggests that women, older people, anxious people, and those who recently lost a loved one benefit the most.

Older Adults Benefit From Choral Singing: In Finland, 117 older choral singers filled out surveys that indicated their quality of living improved by singing in a community choir. Quality of living was measured using three domains: psychological, social relationships, and environment. Results showed older adults who are members of a choir are less depressed and more satisfied with their health.

Singing and Four Year Olds: 96 four year olds were given tasks with and without singing music to see if they were more likely to cooperate and help each other more after or during singing. One such test caused one child to spill marbles in order to see if the other child was more likely to help pick them up after singing together. Researchers found that the singing children did help each other more, which would lead to a greater sense of overall happiness.

Autism and Singing: Several studies involve autism and music therapy. This particular study follows two autistic children who sang composed songs by a music therapist to help their morning routine. Singing their song proved to make their morning run smoothly and start their day off right. The result not only makes the child with autism happy, but their parents and teachers, too!

Choral Singing and Parkinson’s: Those with Parkinson’s suffer from voice disorders that can inhibit their ability to communicate. Several studies look at how singing may benefit a patient with Parkinson’s. This study concludes that those who sang in choir for one hour, twice a week improved several aspects of speech. The ability to converse more effectively is necessary to increase the overall happiness and well-being of Parkinson’s patients.
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