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Honeysuckle Disease
- Leaf blight strikes new foliage first. It causes leaves to crinkle and roll, then turn brown or yellow and drop off. A white powder forms on the underside of leaves.
- Regular pruning and keeping the plant clear of dead leaves can discourage fungus spores from growing. In severe cases, you can apply the fungicide mancozeb.
- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Plant Pathology Department says these varieties have shown some resistance to leaf blight: Lonicera dioica (wild honeysuckle), Lonicera gracilipes, Lonicera sempervirens (trumpet honeysuckle), and Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle).
- Don't confuse leaf blight and powdery mildew, another fungal disease. In powdery mildew, the white powder develops on the tops of leaves near the bottom of the plant. Apply the fungicide myclobutanyl to kill powdery mildew.
- Honeysuckle aphids can suck the life out of your plants. These insects attack new growth, making the bush look stunted. Regular pruning controls aphids. Use an insecticide such as Tempo, if necessary.
Identification of Leaf Blight
Resistant Varieties
Powdery Mildew
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