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Health Effects of Cat Urine

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    • Cat urine should be cleaned up immediately so the smell does not linger in the air. When it is inhaled, it can irritate asthma conditions and cause breathing problems, according to HealthyChild.org. When cat urine fumes are breathed in, the ammonia can irritate and burn throat tissue, causing sore throats and coughs. Wheezing and shortness of breath are other symptoms that can occur from long-term exposure to cat urine.


    • When a person is in an enclosed space where cat urine is present, his eyes can start to burn and water. According to HealthyChild.org, eye damage and even temporary blindness can result from acute exposure to the ammonia present in cat urine.


    • Skin can become irritated when it comes into contact with cat urine, again due to its ammonia content. In severe cases, ammonia can actually burn skin, according to The Encyclopedia of Earth. If a large amount of cat urine were to stay on the skin for an extended period of time, actual burn marks could result.

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