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Treatment Of Bags Under Eyes - Painless Tips And Techniques
Inherited genetics from a persons parents is an important factor in how healthy their skin is and how it changes as it ages. Your genetics can not be changed and aging is inevitable nevertheless you have eye bag causing factors which can be controlled. Having a healthy and active living style devoid of any skin damaging bad habits is an excellent treatment for bags under eyes. You can age and damage the skin with habits like smoking and alcohol consumption, therefore if you have these habits, stopping them could be considered as a treatment for bags under eyes.
Your regular diet can also be a key player in how healthy and youthful your skin is. You should follow a low sodium diet so that your body does not retain water and cause saggy eye bags to form. You also require plenty of water every day so that your body is properly hydrated and not trying to retain fluids. Your body needs essential nutrients, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins in order to keep your skin healthy and looking younger. Make sure you eat a diet which is wholesome and healthy and includes lots of whole grain products and fresh green vegetables as well as fish.
A relatively new but extremely popular treatment for bags under eyes is that of face exercises. These can help remove puffy eye bags by tightening up the skin and also toning the ligaments and muscle tissues underneath. One such work out involves keeping two fingers underneath the eyes and pressing gently while closing the eyelids and rolling the eyes upwards at the same time. Getting a full night of sleep on a daily basis helps to avoid eye bags and if the head is elevated through the use of extra pillows any surplus accumulated fluids will drain away through gravity while the body is sleeping.
Keeping a cold object onto the puffy eye bags is a traditional treatment for bags under eyes that has been practiced by people for centuries. Slices of cucumber were traditionally used however green tea bags are now popular for the reason that one of the substances in them has anti-inflammatory properties. Liquid vitamin E is an excellent treatment for bags under eyes if it is massaged gently into the sensitive skin around the eyes. Honey has long been a favorite traditional remedy for puffy eye bags and so have face masks prepared from crushed papaya or bananas. Rinsing with cold water can also reduce eye bags.