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Age Spot Creams - Which Age Spot Creams Are Actually Worth Using?
Here's how you can tell which age spot creams are actually worth buying and using.
First off, do you know why these stubborn brown spots form in the first place? Most people fail to figure this out before looking for an effective treatment, which is why so many people choose the wrong one.
Brown age spots form when you constantly overexpose yourself to the sun.
When your skin absorbs excess amounts of UV radiation, a skin pigment called melanin is produced by the skin.
This pigment actually absorbs UV radiation so it doesn't harm the rest of your body.
When your skin tans, it's because your body produces melanin to absorb the UV radiation.
But when you expose yourself for much longer periods of time as you get older, these stubborn sun damage signs develop.
To be effective, age spot creams much contain ingredients like nutgrass root extract that actually decrease the production and amounts of melanin pigment in the skin.
Nutgrass root extract has been shown in clinical studies to decrease melanin levels by up to 40%, which is a very healthy and safe level.
I've personally found that the best age spots creams are whitening creams.
The one I use contains nutgrass root extract, and it works great to reduce their appearance.
Plus, I use a day and night cream that contains ingredients like avocado oil, natural vitamin E, and shea butter- all of which are also shown to help reduce age spots while making skin more youthful and smooth.
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