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Three Amazing Steps To Losing Weight
However, nearly about 90% of the persons who make these resolutions either end up failing or having little success in the process.
Sadly, while the goal is to lose the weight, some result in gain weight rather than losing weight.
There are many factors that cause these phenomena and we will look at three tiny steps why some people seem to struggles so much to lose weight.
When we have a clear understanding how easy it is to lose weight then it will be become fun and easy.
Many overweight seek the task of losing weight as a very daunting task and shy away from it all the while getting more and more overweight.
You must understand that if you do not do something about your weight today, everyday that you chose to ignore it will be one more day of adding extra pounds.
The sooner you can start is usually the best way to eliminate your fat loss forever.
Approach the weight loss regiment as one that you will win and it will not win you.
Decide to start to lose weight but just don't go cold turkey and start.
Start slow, if you are eating burger and fries three times per week try eating it twice per week.
The process will be slow but gradual and soon you will realize how much of a leap you have made in fight the war of losing fat.
Fat loss is not hard if you decide to start small and stick to it.
Break it up in chuck and manageable size and attack it in that manner.
For example if you want to lose 50 pounds, do not tell yourself that you need to lose 50 pounds but rather tell yourself that you would like to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks.
Then when you have accomplished that 5 pounds, attack another 5 pounds.
This will give you momentum and make you feel great about yourself.
Here are three little amazing steps to get you on your way to losing weight.
Reduce you stress level If you are stressed about being overweight you will not lose weight.
You will cause yourself to gain weight rather than lose weight.
So take your weight loss in small parts and stop worrying about it.
Stressing about the weight will not make you lose it anyway.
Try doing yoga.
It will reduce your stress levels and it is a very gentle way to begin into exercising.
Pay attention to your breathing.
If you have stressful situations in your life try to eliminate them and if you cannot eliminate them, then you will have to try to think about them in a different way.
If you cannot change the circumstances then stop stressing about it.
If you are around people that is causing added stress on you, try to shake them.
If you can't shake them then try to see them less and the times that you do see them reduce the time spent around them.
Take inventory of your life and see where you can cut out stress.
Experts say that when you are stress your body store fat and it stores it right around your midsection.
Stress makes you eat more, store the fat and puts the fat in places you do not want fat to be.
Increase your sleep time All the health experts agree that we are a sleep deprived generation.
People are simply just not getting enough sleep.
And less sleep lead to more weight gain.
The less time that you spend not sleeping the more time you will spend eating.
Most persons need 8-9 hours of sleep to function at the most optimal level.
Yet most people do not even get 5 hours sleep per night.
A great way to ensure that you will get a comfortable and full sleep is to make your sleeping surrounding as quiet as possible.
Calm your mind and your thoughts when it is time for bed.
Try to make your sleeping environment as pleasant as possible.
Play soothing music or us one of those gadget that gives the sound of the ocean.
This will calm your mind and put you in a restful mood and ready for a long comfortable night of sleep.
Watch your water intake before bed, you do not want to interrupting your sleep by getting up during the night Keep a Journal of your weight loss plan Writing things down give the feeling of a commitment has been made and you will have to find a way to follow through.
Get a journal and begin to write about your struggles and successes as you go on the weight loss plan.
Begin to write down what you are eating in a given week.
Review what you have eaten and then try to modify it the following week but added some healthy foods in your diet.
Not only write about what you eat but also how it made you feel after you had eaten it.
You will soon notice that some foods do not agree with your body type and you can easily begin to access what foods might not be making your body perform at its peak.
Keeping a journal will also make you look at your weight loss journey as being doable and soon you will begin to believe that you too can lose the weight and keep it off!
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