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Anxiety Medication - Not For All
Most sufferers do not know it but they are suffering for most of their lives.
There are times when they think that they are not able to leave bed after sleeping.
They just don't want to go to any public place or even at work or anywhere were judging eyes would look at them.
It is a truly crippling condition.
Some of them spend hours on many days devouring books on how to cope up with the problem.
Some may spend their time searching the internet, looking for the cure all that would end anxiety for good.
They would read many things about anxiety there, but they also realize that there are just too many out there.
Which one is true? Nevertheless, the truth is that there's no instant and quick fix to anxiety.
There's simply no magic pill.
Treatment does not come like a Prozac or a Paxil.
Instead, they are treated permanently with relaxation techniques.
A sufferer must know breathing exercises to calm the nerves from anxiety.
Therapy should also be done to treat anxiety.
The root cause should be found.
Feelings about it should be addressed.
The sufferer must face these demons for them to conquer and be truly free from anxiety.
Don't turn to medication unless all other therapies fail.
They are not the cure all for this condition.
In fact, they could even give very disastrous side effects.
If necessary, take them, but do not depend on them.
Strengthen yourself so that you can face the challenges that anxiety can bring.
Face them and be truly free.
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