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Do You Know With Certainty If Your Teen Is A Cyberbully Victim?
I considered myself to be a good parent and in charge until I found out that my child was bullying. Kids bullying each other remains a really serious concern and loads of parents are inquiring about tips to prevent cyber bullying.
Of course, children are using cell phones to unprecedented degrees. Cellphones are becoming an integral part of the day-to-day lives of children. Just about twenty-two percent of young children (ages 6-9) own a cell phone, sixty percent of tweens (ages 10-14), and 84 percent of teenagers (ages 15-18). Additionally phone vendors now are marketing to youngsters with decorative kid-friendly mobile phones and easy-to-use functions. About 54 % of kids aged between 8 to 12 years will have mobile phones within the next three years.
Honestly the litany of those things your teenagers really shouldn't be doing that have potentially awful consequences is too long for just one single discussion. Have you ever said, "My child would never do that"? Those are the same words spoken by parents of kids that triggered a 12 year old to commit suicide.
There are a bunch of issues I'd like to discuss revolving around children and technologies, specifically the web, mobiles and personal computers. These modern conveniences amplify the odds of health and safety risks involving Predators; Cyber Bullying; Viewing Unsuitable Content; Addictive Usage and Repetitive Stress Damage; Texting and Driving; and Personal Data Loss. While you start thinking about kids internet experiences, will you take into consideration their smartphones? Phones have advanced from simple communication devices to portable, mini computers. Mobile phones have operating systems very much like computers which enable users to download software. These programs assist users perform tasks like gain access to e-mail and play computer games. Also, a lot of cellphones enable users to download and upload content from the web just like a computer. But bear in mind, cell phones are generally more challenging to control than a computer, and adolescents typically use them without oversight. It is recommended that you make sure to review your family internet safety rules with your youngsters and be aware of the hazards before permitting them to possess cellphones.
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Typically my initial response is to usually crack wise but ultimately it is much too important for that. Everyone knows that teenagers believe they know a lot more than adults. Guess what, they do know more than you do. I thought I was a fairly decent parent and knew what was going on until I learned that my teen was cyberbullying.
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