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The Authority Of The Hypnertomachia Poliphilia

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The full version of the dramatical piece The Hypnertomachia Poliphilia was translated into English the year 1999 by Dr Joscelyn Godwin. The earlier variant of the translation was created by Robert Dallington in 1592. In this attempt of translation Dallington analyzed the first few parts, but did not carry the translation to its conclusion. There was however a interpretation into French, which was made by Beroalde de Verville in 1600 and was called "Le Songe de Poliphile"
The Hypnertomachia Poliphilia was for the first time printed anonymously in 1499 in the editorial office of Aldus Manutius. The strange initials on the beginning of the each part of the Hypnertomachia Poliphilia made an acrostic which interprets as "Friar Fransesco Colonna loved Polia passionately".This acrostic filled the people with enthusiasm to attribute the work to Collona, but the name of Fransesco Collona was proved to be invented by seven monks from the cloister of Santi Giovanni de Paolo in Venice. Some resources besides affirm that Collona is not a name at all, but the degree among the masons.
There is also a assumption that a reach Italian lawyer Leo Crasso is an author of The Hypnertomachia Poliphilia. The one more theory about the origin of the work defers to Leon Battista Alberty. But some of scientists consider the authorship of this person impossible. The facts in support of this impossibility is that the HP was written in Italian language whereas Crasso used Latin and Tuscan dialect.
Although the authority of the Hypnertomachia Poliphilia was not still ascertain, the fact is that this work has inspired a lot of generations for the creative work. For example, Giorgione affirms that because of HP he created the first "languidly lolling nude woman in a landscape in western art, which he adapted from a woodcut of a fountain with a relief of Venus watched by a satyr". Bellini, Lorenzo Bernini, J H Mansart and J de La Fontiane were also inspired by this piece.
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