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How to Uninstall Mcafee & Install Avast
- 1). Click the "Start" button on the computer's desktop.
- 2). Select "Search" and type "Programs and Features" into the search field. Press "Go."
- 3). Double-click "Programs and Features" from the results.
- 4). Select McAfee Security Suite and select "Uninstall." Follow the uninstallation prompts.
- 1). Download the McAfee Removal Tool from the McAfee site (see Resources). This tool will rid your system of any remaining traces of the McAfee Security Suite.
- 2). Click "Save" when prompted to save the tool to a folder, such as your Desktop, on your computer.
- 3). Go to the folder on your computer where you saved the tool and double-click on "MCPR.exe" to start the program. If using Vista, you must right-click on the file and select "Run as Administrator" when prompted. Allow the tool to run and clean up your system.
- 4). Restart your computer once you receive the message that cleanup was successful.
- 1). Navigate to the Avast Antivirus download page (see Resources). There are many Avast products to choose from. Avast! Free Antivirus can be downloaded free of charge, and Pro Antivirus and Internet Security may be purchased and downloaded. Purchases must be completed with a debit or credit card.
- 2). Select the "Run" button when prompted by the "File Download - Security Warning" window.
- 3). Select your language from the menu and click "Next."
- 4). Click "Next" again on the Avast setup screen. The software will completely install on your system.
Uninstall McAfee from Windows 7/Vista
McAfee Removal Tool
Install Avast Antivirus Software
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