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How to Get Rid of Internal Mold Growth
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Test for signs of active mold growth using a paintbrush.paint brush #5 image by Adam Borkowski from
Look for signs of mold growth around your home. Take a paintbrush and lightly brush the mold. If the mold smears, the mold is still active (producing spores). If the mold flakes, the mold is inactive. - 2
Minimizing moisture in your home will help prevent mold growth.pipe fitting image by Joann Cooper from
Investigate any possible pipe leakage around your home. Immediately fix leaks to reduce the growth of mold. - 3
Seal up contaminated items for disposal.Poubelle jaune image by Lo?¡¥c Francois from
Remove any items that have been contaminated by mold growth. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, items such as insulation, carpet and carpet padding, paper and wood products that have been contaminated should be bagged and thrown out. - 4). Quarantine noncontaminated areas from affected areas. Use a plastic tarp to separate mold-growth areas from the rest of your home.
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Thoroughly clean the affected areas.scrubbing the blues image by emmepi from
Put on protective gear that includes rubber gloves, eye goggles, clothing that can be thrown out and a respirator. Mix a solution of a half-cup of bleach per gallon of hot water in a bucket. - 6
Get rid of spilled solution.mop head image by green308 from
Scrub the areas of mold growth with the solution. Allow the bleach solution to penetrate affected areas. However, wipe up any excess fluid that spills onto other surfaces with a mop or towel. If you use a towel, place the towel into a garbage bag to be disposed of.
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