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Reiki - Become a Reiki Master
However, these past years a huge group of Reiki Masters have put a lot of effort in bringing these costs down so that becoming a healing Master would be within the reach of everybody who has the desire to learn Reiki.
And quite frankly, I feel that that is how things should be.
Reiki energy really is not that mysterious, or at least it should not be seen as something totally mysterious, rather as something pure and beautiful, powerful and available to everybody.
These healing Masters have understood the real intention of Reiki.
It should be shared with as many people possible, because the more people using Reiki energy, the more powerful it is.
So what do you need to do if you want to become a Reiki Master? First of all, you should find a Reiki Master willing to teach you Reiki.
This can be somebody in your neighborhood or anywhere around the world.
Second of all, you must be attuned to Reiki energy and this will happen during the first 2 levels of Reiki after which you will be attuned and trained to become a Reiki Master, learning about the various symbols that you will be using for your own treatment sessions.
It really is that simple.
As soon as you are attuned to Reiki energy and have passed all the necessary levels, you may call yourself a Master and in that case, you can actually attune others to the energy as well.
However, even though this all seems easy, it does take dedication and time in order to become more effective and of course, the more you study and understand this energy, the better for all involved.
The good thing about Reiki though is that it flows there where it is needed and even if the person sending it does not know where exactly it should go, the energy will know.
Now, a question that I am being asked many times.
Is it true that one can become a Reiki Master through distance and online Reiki courses? I will tell you this.
Even though I have initially been trained and attuned to Reiki in person during several workshops, I have followed several online and distance courses as well to learn more and having done these courses over a distance, I am totally convinced one can become a Reiki Master through online courses.
The key is that one will be attuned either long-distance, exactly the way long-distance healing is done during normal Reiki sessions.
Or one can learn to self-attune, just like Dr.
Usui did himself all those years ago.