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Finding The Right Type Of Climbing For You
Bouldering is climbing over boulders, as the name suggests. The only equipment required in bouldering is usually a crash pad to protect you against falls. While this type of climbing requires less equipment and training than other forms of climbing, there can be risks. Crash pads made of foam provide a cushion in case there is a fall. Sometimes a spotter is used who can move a pad if a climber falls; in essence catching the falling climber. There is no special footwear required for bouldering; traditional rock climbing shoes are generally used.
Free soloing is a type of climbing that is popular but more risky as very little equipment is used. There is nothing to aid your travel up the mountain or protect you from falls. Since it is done alone there is no one to administer first aid or get help in case there is an accident. Most instructors will tell you not to free solo especially if you or not an advance climber. There is still the appeal for those who are adventurous.
Rock climbing incorporates methods of trad climbing with the use of a standard rack. A rack is the set of gear the climber uses to perform the climb. The rack is made up of such gear as ropes, harnesses and pro (protection). The rack is used in different ways depending on the climb. In trad climbing it is almost entirely used to for protection against falling. With aid climbing the gear is used to perform the climb. For example, vertical climbing up a rock face with no holds requires the equipment to scale it.
Alpine and ice climbing is much different from other forms of climbing. You must be an experienced climber to enjoy this type of activity since it requires great skill and endurance. Not only will you generally be away from civilization for several weeks but you will be enduring extreme temperatures. For most enthusiasts, ice climbing is the ultimate experience.
Climbing consists of many different types of activities. While experience is needed for much of it, you can get started by joining a climbing gym and taking classes.
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