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How To Buy A Domain Name For Life
Before we look at how to buy a name for life it is important to think about this. Do you want the name for the life of the domain itself or do you want it for the life of the owner?
It happens to be hard for the owner of the domain name to know for certain exactly how long they will be alive. They could buy a name today and then unfortunately they could be gone tomorrow. With this sad scenario they have had their domain name for life.
However, if we look at the life of the domain itself, there are a few different factors that then come into play.
For you to get a domain name it has to firstly be registered with a domain registrar.
A domain registrar is a company that holds the domain name records. They must be vetted to be able to be a registrar and are usually accredited with a limited number of domains - usually related to particular countries. You would not be able to find a registrar that can register any domain that you want for any country that you would like.
Different countries will also have different rules for registering any of their domains although some have more of a free for all type policy. An example of this is Western Samoa €" they are the country for the .WS yet today you will see that being promoted as Website.
The aim of the domain registrar is to hold the records for the domain. They are not necessarily the domain web host.
Part of the records which a domain registrar keeps are going to be the date that the domain expires. The maximum that a domain can be registered for is 10 years.
However, in the event that the domain registrar goes out of business and you can not get access to your domain name records, the domain will expire on the renewal date.
Even though there will always be an expiry date on the domain, there are some inexpensive strategies that you can follow which can be used to keep and look after a domain name for a long time to come.