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Different Types Of Cysts: Looking Closer At Different Types Of Ovarian Cysts
Most ovarian cysts are functional cysts and, while no one is quite sure why they develop, they often dissolve on their own in a matter of months by making small changes in your lifestyle that can help this natural process along.
During a woman's normal monthly cycle when ovulation takes place, an egg is produced that is surrounded by a small amount of fluid. This is known in the medical community as a "follicle" and is usually about the size of a pea.
Occasionally, extra fluid is produced creating a "follicular cyst". These cysts generally dissolve on their own within a month or two. This is one of the many different types of cysts and probably the most common.
Another one of the different types of cysts is the corpus luteum cyst. This is an ovarian cyst that develops during ovulation at the time when the body is preparing to release the egg. Normally the egg is released and the opening that produces it heals over. These cells known as the corpus luteum begin to produce the hormone progesterone to prepare the body to receive a fertilized egg. Once in a while this natural process does not happen and fluid builds up within the corpus luteum forming a cyst. This type of cyst is also usually quite small and easily dissolves within a matter of weeks.
There are many different types of cysts, and most require little medical treatment. They do, however, benefit from natural, home remedies. Which you can easily research online and learn about how natural treatment can heal your ovarian cyst without traditional medicine.
The good news is that ninety five percent of all cysts are benign. Sometimes, if the fluid builds up and the cyst does not dissolve as described above, it may become large enough to begin to make its presence known. Pain in the lower abdominal area and lower back may result. Often it is a pain that comes and goes with the monthly cycle and can be quite acute. An ovarian cyst may also disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and cause excessive bleeding.
Researchers have discovered that hormonal imbalances can cause different types of cysts to develop. Taking a holistic approach to your health can go a long way to eliminate an existing cyst and prevent the development of future ovarian cysts.
Reducing stress and eating a healthful diet will help keep your hormone levels within a normal range. This is why physicians often prescribe birth control pills to treat cysts. Unfortunately, they have risks and side effects and are best avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Many different types of cysts will benefit from a healthy, well balanced diet that limits the intake of sugar and processed foods. Avoiding excessive quantities of meat and cheese and increasing fruits, vegetables and whole grains can go a long way to keeping your body functioning properly. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are all used to promote healing and boost the immune system.
A healthy immune system will help speed healing of an existing ovarian cyst and prevent the formation of new cysts. Eliminating stress can be extremely beneficial as excessive stress can disrupt hormone levels. These are just a few of the many natural remedies available to treat and prevent ovarian cysts.