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Why Does My Ex Avoid Me? 7 Things You Do Which Make Your Ex Wish You'd Just Disappear!

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You'll never have to wonder again, because these 7 facts are about to make everything clear as to why your ex avoids you. In fact, some of these things irritate your ex so much, that your ex sometimes wishes you'd just disappear off of the face of the planet. BUT, if you don't want your ex to continuously think you're the worst person out there, then you must stop doing these 7 things:

Clinging On As Though Your Life Is About To End - You can't cut off contact with your ex, though they want you to, because to you, that is the end of the world. But to your ex, it's just another day of 10 text messages, 20 missed calls, and 15 emails which tell them that you are simply too desperate and are pathetic.

Apologizing Without Cause - When your ex does speak to you, you apologize and say "I'm sorry", without explaining what you are sorry for. Your ex thinks you are just trying too hard, and aren't really sorry. Your ex thinks you are only saying it because you want them back.

Saying You've Changed Instead Of Showing It- You say you've changed over and over; but the only thing you should be doing is SHOWING that you've changed with actions. Your ex doesn't want to hear what you think has happened; they want to SEE what has happened. Words don't help you here, actions do!

Contacting Your Ex's Family/Friends To Get To Your Ex - This crosses a boundary, because you are literally telling your ex that you don't respect their need for space, and that you want to take short cuts.

Calling Your Ex Crying And Pleading - Nothing looks more pathetic than this, and your ex may feel sorry for you; BUT they will not want you back under this condition. You can't blackmail your ex into wanting you back by crying and showing them that you are in pain. They are in pain too, but you are ignoring that, thus they don't care about your current pain of missing them.

Getting Mad At Your Ex For Not Having The Reaction You Wanted - Your ex does talk to you one day, and you are trying to be good, and show you've changed. You are trying to fix things; but your ex is only going on about the past and how you hurt them. They are pointing fingers at you, and now you start to get mad and lash out in return. Big mistake: they were testing you, and you just proved them right.

Talking About Your Feelings - The last thing your ex wants to hear is how you miss them, how you are still in love with them, and virtually anything that is emotional and intimate related. Your ex doesn't feel that way at the moment, and can NOT relate. Talking about this only makes them want to gag, because you are ignoring everything else that went on in between, such as the arguments, the pain, the breakup etc..... which is what they are concentrating on now.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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