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Is She Cheating? There"s Only One Way to Find Out the Truth
If you suspect your wife could be having an affair, then there are a lot of things working against you.
Like yourself, for instance.
You're probably confused, doubtful, and more than a little guilty for thinking that your wife could possibly be cheating on you..."Surely not MY wife", you say.
And yet, that gut feeling will still remains. That feeling that she's no longer committed to your marriage, your family, or just you in general.
So what should you do?
Well, throughout the rest of this article I will be talking to you about some specific signs that you can use to learn how to tell if your wife is cheating on you.
These won't be pretty, and writing about them for me probably won't be as hard as reading them for you, but rest assured that when all's said and done you'll be closer to the truth.
Does She Have an Increased Interest in Her Friends?
One of the first things that your wife is going to be feeling leading up to her affair is a sense of loneliness, entrapment and helplessness. She will feel like the marriage isn't as fulfilling as it should, so the next place where to turn is to her own friends.
In this isn't always the first step... Sometimes by the time she's turned to her friends she's already prepared to cheat on you in her mind.
The point is that if your wife is showing an INCREASED interest in spending more time with her friends, then that could even be the front that she's using when she's meeting her other man, or it could just be a sign of things to come.
Either way, it's probably not good, especially if you're already suspicious.
Please note that I am not condemning your wife having friends.
In fact I strongly believe that a husband and wife should have separate groups of friends, since everyone needs a break from each other every once in awhile, no matter how happy your marriage is.
It's only when your wife starts showing an INCREASE in the desire to spend time with your friends that you should start being worried. If she has always had friends and is spending just as much time with them as she used to, well that's nothing to worry about.
Does She Show a Decreased Interest in Your Family?
This is one of the most potent signs that your wife is cheating out there, especially when stacked on top of an increased desire to spend time with her friends.
If your wife is feeling trapped in your marriage, then you can bet that she's going to start naturally pulling away from not only you but the rest of your family as well. Basically what she's doing is she's preemptively burning bridges, even if she doesn't know it yet. She's preparing, in her mind, for the date when you two part ways.
She's desensitizing herself to your marriage in an effort to make herself feel better.
Of course it won't work, and it will actually make her feel worse, but to her this is the only encouragement to keep going the way she is, further and further into an affair.
Are Your Kids Acting Strangely?
As I'm sure you've realized by now if you're a parent, many times our kids are much more perceptive than we are.
They're strong undeveloped subconscious is capable of picking things up that we're used to 'looking over' or 'ignoring'.
What this means for you is that if there's something going on with your wife that is significantly out of place, then your child is likely to have picked up on it as well, even if they haven't voiced their concern to you.
They probably don't realize exactly what it means, but many times if your child is getting a strange feeling or starts acting strangely around you or your wife, it could mean that they're getting a strong 'gut feeling' something's wrong, just like you are!
So Where To From Here? How Do I Get Proof?
Obviously, before you can confront your wife with your concerns it is best to try and get undeniable proof that she's cheating on you. You don't want to confront her only to have for deny all accusations... You'd be worse off than you are now.
So you need to get proof, and you need to do it fast. But how?
That's the question.
Unfortunately, it's not within the scope of this article for me to answer that question...Mostly because I've already answered it elsewhere.
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