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Can Morning Sickness Predict Your Child"s IQ!
or is it? What if you could predict your unborn child's IQ just by monitoring a common pregnancy symptom? Well according to recent findings published in the The Journal of Paediatrics and reported by New Scientist magazine, this may well be a possibility! Studies have shown that the children of mothers who experienced morning sickness during pregnancy, were more likely to have a higher IQ than those born to mothers who felt no morning sickness during their pregnancy.
There is also believed to be a correlation between the severity of the sickness and the level of intelligence of the child.
The same hormones that are thought to cause morning sickness; thyroxine and HCG (human chronic gonadotropin), are believed to protect your baby's developing brain.
Other reasons to be thankful for morning sickness are that some studies have shown that women who suffer sickness are less likely to suffer miscarriage or give birth to a baby with birth defects.
But no matter how intelligent your baby turns out to be, morning sickness is no pleasant matter, so here are some simple tips you can try to ease the quease! 1.
Eat little and often Morning sickness can be caused by a lack of food in your stomach and as your metabolism is working a lot faster now, it's a good idea to eat more regularly to keep your blood sugar stable.
Sudden drops in blood sugar will only increase your nausea and make you feel less like eating, even though this is what you need to do to feel better.
Try and fill up on quality proteins with slow release carbohydrates to keep sickness at bay for longer and to help ease pregnancy fatigue.
Ginger is a great remedy for nausea and sickness.
Try slicing fresh ginger root into a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon for and early morning cleanse and pick me up.
Homeopathic salts can work wonders for morning sickness but you'll need to see a qualified pharmacist to see which one is right for your symptoms.
Exercise is great for morning sickness as it diverts blood flow away from your stomach, so try a quick 10 minute workout.
Get some rest - fatigue and overtiredness are enough to make you feel sick when you're not pregnant so imagine what it does to you when you are! Take a 20 minute catnap around the time of day your nausea usually appears.
And if nothing works for you, at least you can be thankful that you have a brainy baby on the way!
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