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How to Import Coordinates in Google Earth
Earthpoint's Excel
1Open your web browser and navigate to Earthpoint's "Excel to KML" online conversion utility (see Resources).
Ensure your data is in the proper format required by the conversion utility. The utility will accept native Excel files, text ".txt," and comma separated values ".csv," however the data must be in a certain layout. Download the sample Excel file on the Earthpoint website, ""
Click the "Choose File" button when your data format complies to the sample. Select your data file and click "Open."
Click the "View on Google Earth" button and the utility will automatically convert and download your file. The file name will be the same as the file name you input, but will have a ".kml" file extension.
GPS DataTeam
1Open your Web browser and navigate to GPS DataTeam collection of online conversion utilities.
For this example, click on the "Convert CSV to KML" link in the "CSV Converters" section. However, if your data is in another format, click on the conversion utility link most appropriate for your input file.
Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to your CSV file, which should be a list of latitude and longitude coordinates separated by a comma for this utility. Click the "Open" button in the file navigator dialog box, then click "Open" on the Web page next to the "Choose File" button.
Enter a file name you would like for your KML data file in the "Save As" text box. By default, it will be filled with your current file name. Click the "KML" button in the "Save As" list and your file is converted and immediately downloaded to your computer. It is stored in the default location for any of your downloads, which is usually the "Downloads" directory found in "My Documents," if you have not updated this in your Web browser preferences.
Import into Google Earth
1Launch Google Earth on your computer if it is not already launched. Click "File" in the top menu and select "Open."
Navigate to the KLM file created from one of the procedures above and click "Open." Google Earth will now display your imported GPS data.
Click "Save" to save the file into Google Earth directory for quick access later.
Import GPS data directly from some supported GPS devices to Google Earth. To see this menu option, click "Tools" in the Google Earth top menu and select "GPS." If your device is one of those supported in this menu, you can import directly from that device if it is plugged into your computer.
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