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There is No Better Time Than Today to Make Money Online
And, never has it been easier for you to have a presence online.
Eleven years ago when we started to market online, the only realistic way to get noticed was to work hard at SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and get ranked on the first page of Google.
An alternative was to advertise on Google and have prospects find you through your advertisements, but that was very costly.
Advertising for our two keywords cost $12.
35 and $14.
95 per click, respectively.
As you can see, it wouldn't take long to run through thousands of dollar.
One hundred clicks would cost $1,235 to $1,495, which was a lot of money for a new business just getting started online.
Therefore, we worked hard at SEO, landed on the first page of Google within 6 months (which was unheard of at the time) and we've ranked in 2nd to 4th position for our keywords ever sense.
It's not uncommon to hear of a online business getting on the first page of Google in a matter of a couple of days.
Today, ranking on the first page of Google is great, but it's not nearly as important as it once was because now there are many other ways for people to find your website on the internet.
They can find you through blogs, social networking sites, YouTube, cheap advertising, and many other ways.
In fact, at a Jeff Johnson seminar I attended (Jeff is an amazing internet-marketing guru), Jeff started from scratch to sell a popular digital camcorder, and achieved ranking on the first page of Google for the top keywords to sell that camcorder by the last day of a three-day seminar.
You can find some of his very informative videos on YouTube.
Eleven years ago Facebook didn't exist, but it now has more searches daily than Google.
What does that mean to you? If you are going to market online, you need to be on Facebook.
Eleven years ago you had to know HTML code (Hyper Text Markup Language) to build a website to have an online presence.
Today, you can set up a blog on Blogger.
com or Squidoo.
com and not know anything about HTML programming.
You can build your marketing page, monetize it and start marketing online in a day.
Eleven years ago only a fraction of the world's population was online.
The latest stats show that in 2000 there were 360-billion people online and today there are 1.
73-trillion people online.
This means that one out of every four people in the world is online.
No matter how you slice it, that is a huge market.
We have seen explosive growth in the online marketplace.
There is tremendous potential to market to the world through the internet.
In my opinion, there has never been a better time to make money online than there is today.
The only question is: Will you take advantage of this huge opportunity and claim your share of the market?
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