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Hearty Shade Plants
- Some gardeners enjoy the shade of large trees that shelter their lawn and garden but have trouble keeping underlying plants healthy and thriving. Introducing hearty shade loving plants into your garden will enable you to enjoy the beauty of ground and pot growing plants, all the while still enjoying the comfort that shade trees provide.
- Scientifically known as myosotis sylvatica, the forget-me-not plant can typically be found growing in all regions of North America in wet, woodland areas and stream beds. These perennial plants may be grown from seed or purchased as plants from plant nurseries during the spring season. Forget-me-nots are early season bloomers that are characterized by clusters of tiny, soft-blue flowers, with yellow centers. Although they can grow in partial sun, forget-me-nots thrive in full shade areas that contain moist soil.
- Scientifically known as Heuchera, coral bells are another hearty, shade-loving plant. These perennial plants also grow well in full sun, but grow just as good in shaded areas. Characterized by leafy foliage and small, delicate bell-shaped blooms, these plants range in color from white to purple and even gold. Coral bells prefer well-drained loamy or sandy soil and are best used as a border or ground cover plants. Dead-heading throughout the season will promote continuing blooms and thick foliage.
- Scientifically known as Dicentra spectabilis, the bleeding heart is a hearty, shade-dwelling plant as well. The bleeding heart plant can be found thriving in shaded, wooded areas that contains well-drained soil. This plant is characterized by its thick foliage with weeping stems. The blooms range in color from red, pink, yellow and white and form multiple heart-shaped blooms that line the weeping stems. Applying a thin layer of mulch and compost each spring and providing the plant with water, will keep the bleeding heart looking its best throughout the growing season.
Coral Bells
Bleeding Heart
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