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Modification of Probation
- If the probation modification enhances the defendant's probation terms, the defendant must go before the judge. If the modification decreases the probationer's requirements, the probation officer may submit paperwork to the court without the defendant present.
- Probation modifications may include longer or shorter probation terms and adding or deleting probation terms. Some of the most common probation terms deleted are deferred jail terms.
- Probation officers modify probation terms for a variety of reasons. Often these include serving the best interests of justice, relieving an undue burden on the client, or impressing upon the defendant the seriousness of the court's requirements.
- Sometimes an offender no longer needs probation supervision as she has proved responsible behavior to the courts. However, she may need to pay fees or complete community service hours. In these cases, the defendant may receive administrative supervision, also called summary probation.
- If the defendant complies with all probation terms, including payment of fees and completion of counseling and community service hours, and demonstrates overall stability, the probationer may receive an early termination.
Legal Ramifications
Summary Probation
Early Termination
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