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Things You Must Know About Car Loan
According to analyst, it allows the prospective customer better options along with a greater leverage with the dealer. From the sustainability point of view, this methodology will act as a hedge against the possibility of having a car loan which is beyond the means of the loan availing entity.Typically,loans are secured loans which imply that the lending authority has the security in the shape of the car till the time the entire amount is paid back.The logical next step is to choose the tenure of the loan.
One may choose the tenure depending on their financial state and forecast, it may vary from one year up to seven years. One must however be cognizant of the fact that the interest rate on car loan is inversely proportional to the number of year the loan is availed for. If one prefers to increase the repayment period, the amount paid as car loan EMI is reduced and therefore the car loan interest rate increases and the same is vice versa.
Also one must note that there are many car loan EMI calculators available on the internet wherein one can easily find their eligibility, the amount of loan, tenure of the loan and rate of interest. It is a very useful and handy tool which must be utilized by most of the people availing loan. Needless to say that one must be aware of such a useful tool
What are the factors that may affect the interest rate?
One of the important aspect that must be dealt with due precaution is the car loan interest rate. It is an important factor which weighs down heavily on your finances lest everything gets off board. The car loan interest rate changes from lender to lender. The type of loan also will decide the rate of interest, a secured loan will bear lower rate of interest and vice versa.Another aspect is the credit value of the applicant. The higher is the credit value of the applicant, the lower rate of interest will be asked from them. Credit value means the ability to repay the loan amount in stipulated time period.