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Basic Animal Taxidermy for the Beginner
The meaning of the word taxidermy itself is a Greek derivative which means the arrangement of skin.
The types of animals that can be used include: fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals.
Taxidermy can be done as a hobby or can be bought as taxidermy for sale.
Some people have the misconception that animal taxidermy is bloody and is very difficult to stomach.
Although the killing of the animal is necessary the animal usually is skinned first.
A chemical is then rubbed on the skin in order to preserve the animal.
It is then mounted to a mannequin which usually consists of wood, wire or foam.
The first step is the skinning of the animal.
Most people believe that taxidermy is gory and involves cutting up the taxidermy animal.
This is a common misconception.
A chemical is put on the skin of the taxidermy animal to preserve it before it is mounted on a shell body made up of wire, wood or foam.
A taxidermy animals eyes are usually made from clay or bought from a taxidermy supplier.
Good taxidermists need to have knowledge of anatomy.
A taxidermist has to be meticulous and very careful with measurements before preserving a specimen.
Modern taxidermy mountings are very life like unlike the taxidermy animals of days gone by.
The technology has improved and a taxidermist can have stunning animals in a collection.
Modern taxidermy animals can include cats, fish, deer, bears, coyote, ducks, turkey, zebras, arctic fox and the common fox.
They also include lifelike fish mounts.
This kind of perfection makes good business sense and results in taxidermy for sale.
Some of the modern technology that today's taxidermists use is new materials like fibre glass and different types of silicone to create very lifelike replicas, as if the taxidermy animal was still alive.
The perfect gift for the hunting or fishing enthusiast would would like a trophy of their hunting or fishing trips would be through taxidermy.
Trust is the most important quality in a good taxidermist due to the poor quality of work that some taxidermists employ.
Also if you have an animal that you want mounted you must put it in good hands because you only get one chance to mount an animal.
Especially if it is a loved pet or a trophy animal you want it done right the first time.
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