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Understand how brick chimney repair is done
Experts who do brick chimney repair use water repellent called silane-siloxaneto seal leaks present in the bricks. The repellent actually prevents water from entering the chimney by allowing water vapor escape to the atmosphere. For mortar problems, experts understand how to handle it. Before removing plants from chimneys, first use the herbicides to kill them. Ripping plants alive will cause mortar damages as vines or roots are taken roots in the mortar. Alternatively, using putty knife is perfect tool of ripping dead plants. Experts should clearly understand how chimney cap installation is done.
Focusing on brick chimney repair, experienced professional is required to use proper and acceptable procedure in fixing chimney problems. For the homeowner to be at saver side, inspection of chimney should be done regularly.Check the signs of cracks and leaks so as to prevent them. Not all chimney problems can be handled by people with little knowledge, many of them require experienced person. If you want to carry out chimney cap installation, below we have given clear steps to guide you.
Firstly, check whether the cap can perfectly fit the chimney. Before drilling holes, dry fit your cap on the chimney and then walk around to determine where to put cap screws.Before commencing the chimney cap installation process, avail all required tools.Mark carefully where to attach the brackets. Use the drill to attach metal screws into these chimney caps. Usually builders use three screws but this depends on the shape of your chimney cap. If the metal screw installation seems to be difficult, drill bit can help you create pilot holes for easier attaching of screws. Attach you cap screws to four sides: inside and outside of your flue, on vertical edges and on the top.
Sheet metal chimney caps come with sharp edges; builders are advised to use proper protective gloves when carrying out brick chimney repair. Remember that chimneys are exposed to variety of effects such as strong wind, ice, snow or rain; therefore expected to expand and contract due to hot gases emitted. To avoid chimney problems, use correct materials when doing chimney cap installation. Again, ensure that repair damaged crowns in time. When mortars joints directly to your firebox, repairing is required. Always hire licensed and experienced builder to use right mortar mix as some chimneys require specific customization of mortar mix.