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Is Your Closet in the Center of Your Home?
The center of any space is very important for creating and maintaining good feng shui energy; this is especially important when it comes to your own home.
Also called the yin yang point, or the heart of the home, an open, happy and welcoming center continuously creates waves of good energy that nourish the whole home and support your own energy.
On a deeper level, the energy of the heart of the home is also continuously sent and circulated through all bagua areas of your home because all bagua areas receive their energy, or life force, from the heart of the home.
The center of the home is also the place where all bagua areas meet and exchange energies, hopefully creating a very harmonious energy exchange!
So, as you can see, the health of the heart of your home is very, very important for good feng shui, just like the health of your own heart is very important for the physical well being of your body.
If you have not defined the heart of your home, this short video will help you do just that. However, if your floor plan has a very simple shape, such as a square or rectangular, there is no need to watch the video, just find the center of the floor plan shape and you have located the heart of the home.
You might be surprised to find that the center of your home is in an inauspicious location such as a bathroom, or a wall, or maybe a closet. Do not be upset if this is so, just know that there are always good feng shui solutions to help you create better energy.
We have many tips to help you deal with challenging location of the heart of a home, here let's focus on good feng shui solution for a heart of the home located in a closet.
There are 3 main tips that you absolutely have to continuously follow (and master!) in order to neutralize the potentially negative impact of a closet in the center of the home. Here they are.
TIP # 1. Create absolute order and cleanliness in your center home closet. For a good flow of energy in one's home, all closets have to have order and breathing room (remember there are no hidden spaces in feng shui as in the world of energy everything is inter-related and you cannot really hide anything!) And while a cluttered closet in the creativity area, for example, might not have huge and immediate impact on your day to day life, a cluttered closest in the heart of the home will slowly but surely negatively impact all areas of your life, as well as drain your energy and vitality.
Read: How To Clear Closet Clutter
TIP # 2. Limit the Metal and Wood feng shui elements in your center home closet. Feng shui-wise, the center of your home is governed by the Earth feng shui element and nourished by Fire. While this might sound a bit complex, know that the "elements game" in modern home decor is easy to master, I have many resources to help you out. Briefly speaking, avoid a strong presence of colours white, brown and green, as well as too many items made from wood or metal.
Read: 5 Feng Shui Elements: What the Are and How To Expressed Them
TIP # 3.Bring the energy of love and beauty into your closet. If this sounds strange to you, then you definitely need more love and beauty in your life! On a deeper level the state of one's closets always speak of one's self esteem, so it is a good idea to have something joyful and happy in all your "closeted" spaces. When it comes to a closet in the heart of the home, though, there can be no compromise - you need to create and express, the energy that feeds the human heart - the energy of love, beauty, joy, compassion, etc.
This can be as simple as a small image from nature that makes your heart happy or as elaborate as a big collage of the happiest moments from your travels, your family life, your children, etc. It can be a couple of small rock crystals or your child's vibrant art - you know best what brings the vibes of happiness and joy to your heart!
Read: Feng Shui of Children's Art
Continue Reading: What Makes A Good Feng Shui House
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