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Tennessee Laws on Salvia Divinorum
- Salvia divinorum is a plant in the mint family. The active chemical in the plant leaf, known as Salvinorum A, has a hallucinogenic effect when smoked or chewed that many compare to LSD. Unlike LSD, however, the effect last for a very short time and the plant is neither addictive nor toxic. This has not deterred people from creating laws about its use and it has been made illegal in some states, including Tennessee, as well as countries, including Australia.
- This legislation, which went into effect on July 1, 2010, makes it illegal to knowingly produce, manufacture, distribute, possess, intend to produce, manufacture or distribute the active chemical in the Salvia divinorum plant. This means that the crystallized form of Salvinorum A and extracts that are purely for recreational purposes are illegal to have, make, sell or otherwise distribute in Tennessee. This may not apply to the plant itself since the law only refers specifically to the Salvinorum A compound.
- Proposed on February 15, 2006, and passed on July 1 of the same year, this law makes it a Class A misdemeanor to have possession of Salvia divinorum or Salvinorum A for recreational consumption purposes.
- It is not an offense to possess, grow, plant, harvest or otherwise cultivate Salvia divinorum for landscaping, aesthetic or decorative purposes. This means that if you are interested in growing this plants because of its attractive leaves or large size, you will be able to do so freely, so long as you do not intend to extract or consume the Salvinorum A compound from the leaves.
Tennessee Code 39-17-438
Tennessee Code 39-17-452 part 1
Tennessee Code 39-17-452 part 2
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