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Getting a Bigger Penis With Hand Exercises Is Great - Questions and Answers on Getting Huge
The only way that you can get much larger is by increasing your penis size with just your hands.
This is nothing new, it is more of an ancient practice that has been rediscovered by men of the developed world.
Learn about it inside.
What is this ancient method that men are using to get increased size? What guys are doing is they are actively doing exercises on the penis that enlarge the penile shaft.
This makes it both longer and thicker over time.
Nothing can do this besides these hand exercises.
It makes men larger for life, and there is no need for pills or potions.
It can be used effectively to gain an inch or more of permanent size increases.
This is how men are getting truly enormous, and they don't want anyone to find out about it.
They want every other man to be in the dark about it, so they can get a bigger size and win the girl.
However, they should not be so selfish, because there are many men who would love to get larger, and there are many girls out there for everybody.
Do these have any other benefits besides making you bigger? Yes, they also make you harder and can help you last longer over time.
Increased hardness comes from the fact that you are pushing blood down your erection and with that is coming oxygen that can make you substantially firmer.
Most men crush their penis all day long and don't get any physical exercise.
This causes a lack of blood flow to the penis and make erections limp and not so hard.
By doing these you get fresh blood and oxygen moving through the shaft over time.
Nothing besides this can get you substantially larger.