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Was Orson Welles this cynical about friendship?
Welcome to the Friendship Quote of the Day!
Today's Quote:
Orson Welles
We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.
Today's Inspiring Thought: Connect With a Friend
Orson Welles makes life sound very bleak with this quote, but when I see so many people who are feeling lonely and looking for friends, I know there is definitely truth in it.
What does any of the other "stuff" matter? The cars, clothes... none of it is as important as the relationships you have.
It's not that we're all materialistic and looking just to fill our lives with possessions. But sometimes, when we're busy and running from day to day, we forget what's really important. Today, think about the ways you can connect with a friend, even when your day is packed.
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