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U.S. Highway 36 Treasure Hunt in Kansas
Started in 2006, the U.S. Highway 36 Treasure Hunt features yard sales all across the state of Kansas. The border-to-border sale spans approximately 400 miles of U.S. Highway 36. In addition to yard sales, many cities along the route host flea markets, bake sales, and other community events.
The Route:
- Across the entire state of Kansas, from the Missouri to Colorado borders
- Spans from Cheyenne County to Doniphan County
- 400 miles along U.S. Highway 36
- Maps available online two to three weeks before the sale
Dates and Times:
- Friday through Sunday
- 2015 Dates: September 18 through 20
Along the Way:
- In addition to shopping the yard sales, stop to enjoy the food booths, bake sales, flea markets, and community events along the way.
U.S. Highway 36 Treasure Hunt Tips:
- Watch for signs pointing the way to off-highway sales and clustered sales
- Study the Top 10 Yard Sale Shopping Tips before the sale.
- For more information about the event and the areas you'll drive through, view the online magazine US 36 Expedition before you go
- Take lots of cash and pack your yard sale tool kit.
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