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Why Is Family Important
Many people are often negligent in answering the important question to themselves,"why is family important" and overlook the importance of family in their lives. If we are fortunate to have a healthy and nurturing family, we should be appreciate their value in our lives, as they are our some of the people whom we know we can run to anytime we have problems. Our family will always be there no matter what happens to us and they continuously give us unconditional love no matter what we do. But despite their presence and the unconditional love that they give, many people would still question why is family important. A child may not realize this until adulthood. A teenager may not realize this until trouble comes along. An adult may not realize this until the stage of independence.
There are many fundamental concepts as to why the family is important to a person. It could be for social reasons, personal growth, procreation as well as instilling values into a person. But one thing is for sure, people will find it hard to live without their family. They are your first friends and teachers as well as your providers who will see you grow, mature and become the person that you always wanted to be.
Why is Family Important: For Socialization
One of the many answers to the question why is family important is for socialization purposes. The family is where a child first learns to be interactive. The family would become your first teachers on how to respect people, how to treat the opposite sex and how to become friends with them. Both of which are important socialization skills so that the child becomes a person who can socialize with any kind of person. Respect is another value that a child learns from his family. This should be taught early on so the child grows respectful to other people and polite especially towards the elderly.
Why is Family Important: For Education
The next answer to the why is family important question is for education. Again, the family is a child's first teacher. This is where first words are uttered, how to write his name, how to read a favorite book as well as to speak and walk. The family guides the child towards their first learning process growing to be learned and bright. A child's first school is the home, with their first teachers being family. Before your child is eligible to be sent to a school the family already has taught them a few things needed to be learned and to be prepared for school and the challenges of being socially engaged.
Why is Family Important: For Providing Basic Human Needs
A child has a difficult road surviving this world without family, which makes providing as another answer to the question of why is family important. They need essential items such as food, clothing, shelter and care from family to be able to live and grow. A family should be able to provide such things to a child for to be able to grow happy and healthy.
A family is very important to any person emotionally, physically, socially and mentally. They are the people who shape us and provide what we need what we need to live. They are the people who will love us no matter what wrong we do and they will always be there to help. So, take care of your families and love them unconditionally because whatever happens to you, you may be able to answer the question "why is family important".
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