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Depression and the Dream Time - 3 Tricks Our Dreams Like to Play

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In the last article, we saw, when we're depressed, how we tend to sit around and think dark thoughts.
How we ponder and ruminate about matters that happened way in the past.
We go to the cupboard of our minds, open the doors and sort through all the old rubbish that's in there.
It doesn't do us a bit of good, yet still we do it.
Then off we go to bed and three things happen.
Because of all the brooding we've done during the day, we spend far too much time in what's known as 'dream-sleep.
' The condition of sleep known as R.
, or Rapid Eye Movement, and we miss out on the rejuvenating Slow Wave Sleep that's so important to both out minds and bodies.
Again because of our daytime brooding, at night we extend our emotional arousal, thus depleting our hormonal system.
There's a brain activity known as 'orientation response.
' This is crucial, because not only does it allow us to change our focus of attention, thereby motivating ourselves, it's also a most important part of concentration.
Again because of our brooding, we've managed to exhaust this activity.
Why Do I Have Recurring Dreams? The chances are we're continuously digging in our brain cupboard and bringing out the same old things to brood about.
What a horrible individual that Joe Blow was ten years ago, when he cheated me out of that promotion.
We keep on worrying at this mental bone, chewing it over and over.
While we continue to do this with the same subject, we're going to have dreams that recur time after time.
We must try to change what we think about, preferably into something more positive.
But the dreams will recur while that same subject's at the forefront of our minds.
Why do I have such peculiar dreams? Our dreams have a nasty habit of exaggerating and approximating the thoughts that have gone through our minds during the day.
When you come to think of it, the old brain box can be decidedly theatrical when it so chooses! Let's suppose that for some reason our spouse came into the room, we didn't hear them and they started to talk.
It startled us, and we had a flash of anger, gone as soon as it appeared.
Naturally, this dream must be flushed out in the normal way, but the mind has a fine old time here.
Instead of just a flash of anger, we dream that we became furious and had a huge row.
Usually, dreams obtain their 'material,' if you will, from our surroundings.
So another example would be that you watch one of those detective shows on television where someone's murdered.
We go to bed and have this horrible dream that we killed our brother.
We love our brother.
The last thing we'd ever do is to kill him.
But the dream's seen an opportunity at theatrics!
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