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Where Have All the Photographers Gone?
And worse still, it's all about electronics, software and auto everything.
Auto focus, motorized zoom, auto exposure, anti shake, histograms, rule-of-thirds, software filters, face recognition and frame composite.
Can anyone apply basic photographic principles when using their camera these days? A simple, uncomplicated, manual camera that doesn't come with seven levels of menu options? Why can't I buy a digital camera like my old film camera? Manual only with ISO, shutter, aperture and manual focus.
This is all I need.
Not a camera with a computer and Photoshop on board.
If I want that I'll go to my PC.
Why do all photo blogs prattle on and on about rule-of-thirds.
If you do know about it, it's perhaps the first thing you should forget or break it.
Why lock in and produce the same graphically boring photos every day of your life.
Controlled by a one hundred year old (plus) dogma.
Why do people want auto everything? Why don't people want to learn about photography? Instead they choose to learn about the confusing software in their camera, believing that when they press the shutter button, this will achieve an exceptional photograph? They obviously think the camera is more intelligent than they are, and can produce the goods on demand.
People don't want to take out time to actually look into the principles of photography, which remain the same now as they were 150 years ago.
The tools have changed, that's all.
We are in an 'instant gratification' society.
"What! Learn about photography principles? I don't need to, my camera knows it all.
" Have you seen the junk photos on a photography blog under a post on facial recognition? Why do you want your camera to recongize a face? Are you not capable of recognizing a face? Are you not capable of taking a photograph with a subject that has a face? Do you not have the mental capacity to solve the following delema: "I am taking a scenic photograph with mountains as subject.
Gosh, I can't cope, better set the camera to Landsape Mode so the resulting photo will be so much better than me trying to sort it out!" As a result of the introduction of digital cameras with auto everything, the current generation is growing up with a plethora of very poor photography.
The industry has suffered as a result.
People want the camera to be the intelligent part of the process, and are quite happy to be moronic when looking at the LCD and let the camera make the decisions.
As a consequence producing rubbish they call photography, then attribute this great work to their latest 16 megapixel camera with frame composite and image rotation.
We have a lot of camera/software technicians around today, but I can't seem to find the photographers.
If you see one let me know, they are rare indeed.
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