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Early Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn"t Ignore
It can lead to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.
Each year the number of diabetics rises.
Studies show that early detection is the key.
However, many of the early signs of diabetes go unnoticed.
Learn to recognize the early signs that diabetes may be developing.
If you notice any of these early signs of diabetes ask your doctor for a quick screening or diabetic testing.
Frequent urination.
When blood sugar rises, urine increases in frequency and volume.
One of the earliest tests for diagnosing diabetes was to check the amount of sugar in the urine.
Increased thirst.
Because high blood sugar increases urination, the body compensates by asking for more water.
Fatigue and generalized weakness.
Glucose (sugar) is the fuel of muscle cells.
When glucose is unable to effectively fuel the cells, the result is fatigue and weakness.
Weight loss.
When weight loss is unexplained or unintentional, whether it is rapid or slow, it is often seen as early sign of diabetes.
The weight loss is a result of water loss as the body compensates for its poor use of glucose.
Blurred vision.
Rapidly rising blood sugar can cause fluid shifts in the lens of the eye resulting in blurred vision.
Frequent infections.
High sugar content of blood and body fluids is a paradise for germs allowing them to thrive.
Irritability and drowsiness.
When blood sugar rises and fatigue and weakness set in, the body's early defense system is sleep.
Diabetes affects many parts of the body and can result in serious complications.
Recognizing the early warning signs and working with a health professional can save and extend lives.
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