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Dog Allergies Medicine - 3 All-Natural Ways The Doctors Don't Want You To Know About

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Are you sick of the fact that every time you go to the doctors they prescribe you, or in this case your dog, medicine that (sometimes) gets the results you seek only at the price of being drowsy for three weeks? I am.

I'm going to show you of three simple all-natural ways to get rid of your dog's allergies! Oh yeah, it's inexpensive too!

The first is to take a multi-vitamin supplement in your dog's daily routine. Have you ever heard of the saying: 'A multi-vitamin a day keeps the symptoms at bay?' Well I have, and it holds true.

How does a multi-vitamin help fight allergies? Well, everything in your body, and your dogs, needs a certain amount or type of vitamins to work efficiently. Simply enough, if your body isn't getting the necessary vitamins it isn't running efficiently. When it isn't running efficiently things are more susceptible to a variety of aches, pains, diseases, allergies, etc.

The second is adding OPC-3 supplement, a super antioxidant, to your dog's diet. Now this might sound expensive to you or you think that your dog won't eat it so I'll answer those now. It's inexpensive and its beef flavored; all you have to do is sprinkle it on top.

How does OPC-3 help fight allergies? Antioxidants, or in this case super-antioxidants, are basically natural antihistamine. Antihistamine is what is in those pills that the doctor is going to prescribe to your puppy. The only difference is that OPC-3 is less expensive and has no side effects. You make the decision.

Finally, you can add a fish oil supplement, which we want for the omega-3 fatty acids, to your dog's day. Omega-3 fatty acids are good against allergies basically for the same reason as OPC-3. It has anti-inflammatory properties that fight off allergies.

So there you have it. You now have 3 options that can positively affect your dog's life.

The natural approach is less expensive and healthier than going to the doctor.

Now it's up to you.
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