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How to Build a Travertine Patio
- 1). Excavate an area three inches wider and longer than the proposed travertine patio. The travertine patio's dimensions should be in increments the size of the travertine tile with an additional 1/2 inch added to it for spacing. Dig the area four inches below the surface of the ground. Fill the excavated area with gravel and compact the gravel two inches thick.
- 2). Create a form by laying 2-by-4s on their edges on top of the gravel around the perimeter of the hole. Attach 1/2-inch plywood with 3-inch screws to the outside of any 2-by-4s that butt end to end. The screw heads will be on the inside of the form. Screw the top edge of the corners together with 3-inch screws. The edge of the excavated area should support the backside of the 2-by-4s. Drive stakes on the outside edge of the 2-by-4s every two feet for additional support, if it is needed.
- 3). Use a laser level to ensure the form stays level. Use a string line on each edge of the form to ensure the form is running straight between corners. Check the squareness of the form by measuring to the opposite corners of the form. If the measurements are even, then the form is square.
- 4). Lay mesh wire across the entire surface of the compacted gravel. Multiply the width of the form (in feet) by the length of the form (in feet) by the depth of the volume (in feet). Concrete is purchased in cubic yards (3-feet-by-3-feet-by-3-feet). Therefore, divide the volume of the excavated area by 27 to determine the number of yards of concrete needed to pour the patio foundation. Order the appropriate amount of concrete from a concrete mixing company and pour the pad. Allow the pad to cure for 48 hours before removing the form.
- 1). Mark the center of each edge of the concrete. Snap chalk lines between the center marks to find the center of the concrete pad.
- 2). Mix thinset with admix (or equivalent additive) for additional adhesion and spread it evenly with a 1/2-inch notched trowel down the edge of one of the chalk lines. Admix is a chemical product mixed with thinset and water which adds additional adhesive strength to the bond between the tile and concrete. It is designed for outdoor use. Lay the travertine tile in the thinset, spacing each piece apart with 1/2-inch tile spacers. Finish laying the rest of the travertine tile using the spacers to keep the grout lines even. Clean excess thinset off the tile while it is being laid. Allow the travertine tile to set overnight.
- 3). Clean the travertine again with clean water. Mix colored grout and press into the grout lines with a rubber trowel. Wipe away any excess grout with a damp sponge.
- 4). Allow the grout to cure for 72 hours. Seal the whole surface with a stone and grout sealer, and allow the sealer to dry.
Pouring the Pad
Laying Travertine Tile
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