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Using Forums to Find a Market
With so many forums out there on nearly every single imaginable topic it shouldn't take long for you to find one that discusses your niche.
People join forums to find others with their same interests and then discuss those interests.
This can be very powerful when trying to find what people need.
In fact often times you can simply post a new thread on one of these forums and directly ask the members what types of products they need or would be interested in.
The members will usually be more than happy to tell you what types of products or services they would like to see available.
The good thing about using this method of market research is that you are going directly to the people that will be your future customers and finding their exact needs.
This can be extremely powerful and you'll often be surprised at just how much information the members will give you.
By getting input and doing forum research before creating your product you'll have an almost automatically built in customer base ready and waiting for you when you finish the product and are ready to launch.
Its important of course when doing market research on forums, as well as anywhere else for that matter, to always be adding value.
Give the members what they are looking for and they will be glad to help you with your product research.
If you come to a forum and are just trying to push your products or services on the members then you're more than likely going to be banned from the site or at the very least lose your credibility.
Always make sure that you are there to give information and value to the members.