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Perendev Magnetic Motor

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Perendev is a company run by Michael Brady who claims to have built a magnetic motor capable of producing electricity without any external input of energy.

A Perendev magnetic motor utilizes the properties of magnets to attract opposite poles and repel similar poles to achieve perpetual spin motion and ultimately generate electricity. In a Perendev magnetic motor, the magnets are aligned in two rings (inner and outer) in such a way that the inner ring spins due to alternating attraction and repulsion between magnets. It does not require any external energy to be set in motion. The tests conducted on Perendev magnetic motors over a period indicate that in spite of continuous operation of the motor, the magnetic strength of magnets does not decrease.

Perendev magnetic generator comes in 2 models:
  1. 100 KW: This model is capable of making generators that run on fossil fuels completely obsolete. It can be used as a static power unit for use in small offices and homes.
  2. 300KW: This model is designed to supply energy to large spaces.

Both the models come with a 5 year conditional guarantee.

The Perendev magnetic motor works because the rotor magnets are sealed in a steel casing. This strengthens the magnet and helps in isolation of the magnetic field at the top and bottom where the seal is not present. The magnetic force is strongest between the top magnets on the rotor and the stator. The steel does not get attracted to the stators because probably the magnets on the stator are also sealed.

Perendev magnetic generators are never sold but only leased out to safe guard the technology used in building them. Each motor is equipped with a Black Box that helps the company track the movement of the magnetic motor.

You can cut down your electricity bill significantly by installing a Perendev magnetic motor at your home or office.
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